Shifting Sands of Ethics and Morality

10 Years of Growing & Learning Together
21. - 22. marec 2024 - Voditi z namenom 9
Voditi 9, Strengthen the Net

23. - 24. marec 2023 - Voditi z namenom 8
Voditi 8, Voditi naprej

25 Sep. 2020 Voditi 7
Voditi 7, Identity

16-17 May 2019 - Voditi 6
Voditi 6, Vitalnost

International Presenters
John Andrews and Russ Westfield from England, Stan and Robin Lubeck from USA provided encouraging and educational presentations.

Engaging and informative workshops on theological, spiritual, and leadership vitality.

Building relationships, personally and professionally is one of the highlights of Voditi z namenom conferences.

Personal Growth
Eleven seminars, workshops, and activities engaging and revitalizing leaders.

Theological Revitalization
Spiritual Revitalization
Missional Revitalization
6-7 June 2018 - Voditi 5
Voditi 5, Razvijati voditelje

International Presenters
David Wells and Stephen Hertzog from Canada, David & Janet Kronbach from Hungry provided informational and inspirational presentations.

National Presenters
Daniel Grabar, Steven Telzerow, Josh Patty, Benjamin Hlastan, and Timotej Šooš, produced excellent discussions on Personal, Team and Corporate growth.

National Facilitators
Facilitation of seminars by local leaders, Sebastjan Forjan, Pia Šooš. Mitja Škalič, Vesna Pavlović, Aleš Lajlar, Dejan Tašner and Steven Telzerow added significantly to the discussion and learning.

Engaging and informative workshops lead by local leaders, Vesna Pavlović, Sabina Scobie and Pia Šooš, gave participants opportunity to learn by working together through projects.

Building relationships, personally and professionally is one of the highlights of Voditi z namenom conferences.

Personal Growth
Five seminars engaging individuals leaders and seeking to grow through contextual challenges.
17 mednarodnih in lokalnih strokovnjakov.
Več kot 20 delavnic, predavanj in skupin za diskusijo.
Odlična priložnost za vključevanje v različne poglede, učenje in rast.

Team Growth
After five seminars on Team Growth, a panel plenary was the perfect way to reinforce some of the learnings.

Organizational Growth
Panel discussions, seminars, and networking events all bring people together to share, relate, and grow.
We cannot say we are doing what Jesus would do and living like him unless we are relationally engaged in disciple-making lifestyles.
David Wells
6-7 June 2017 - Voditi 4
Voditi 4, Voditelji izgrajujejo druge!

International Presenters
John Partington from England, Russ Westfield from England, Sarah Westfield from England, Tony Hedrick from USA and Grayling Trees from France (absent).

National Presenters
Johnny Stevens, Matt Mormance, Zala Cempre, Robert Bohinec, Barbara & Steve Telzerow, Benjamin Hlastan, Prim. asist. Daniel Grabar, dr. med., spec., and Darko Kreiner, (absent) Timotej Šooš. Andrej Lovše, Sebastian Forjan, and David Bordner.

Plenary Session
Excellent, informative, encouraging and inspiring plenary session.

Plenary Sessions
Most Evangelical churches were represented this year and it was a great time for learning and networking together. It was an inspiring, informative, encouraging and a great three days of being together and enjoying one another

"You cannot lead anyone else further than you have gone yourself"
Gene Mauch
5-6 May 2016 - Voditi 3
Voditi 3, Voditelji so strateški

International Presenters
Max Shlapfer from Switzerland, Slavko Hadžič from Bosnia, Tony Saxon and Kerry Strange from New Zealand, and Duncan Watkinson from India.

National Presenters
Dr. Daniel Brkič, Prim. asist. Daniel Grabar, dr. med., spec., benjamin Hlastan, Peter Novak, Todd Hunnicutt, Dubravka Turinski, Aleš Lajlar, Steve and Barbara Telzerow, Darko Kreiner, Timotej Šooš.

Plenary Session
Excellent, informative, encouraging and inspiring plenary session.

15 quality workshops, many by local presenters discussing solutions to local challenges.

21-23 May 2015 - Voditi 2
Voditi 2, Voditelji imajo poslanstvo

International Presenters
David Shearman from England, with Barbara Telzerow speaking about the role of leaders in developing others around them.

International Presenters
Russ Westfield leading and inspiring workshop "Developing Transparency in Leadership."

International Presenters
Hanna Vuorinen from Austria leading workshop encouraging leaders with effective "Tools for Teaching."

Plenary Sessions
72 people registered for this year's conference, up from 50 last year. It was an inspiring, informative, encouraging and a great three days of networking and growth.

Local Presenters
Josh Patty, Todd Hunnicutt, Pastor Zvonko & Dubravka Turinski, dr. Daniel Brkič, Pastor Steve & Barbara Telzerow, Terry Jackson, Pastor Benjamin Hlastan, and Darko Kreiner.
What a wonderful job they all did!
7-10 May 2014 - Voditi 1
Voditi 1, Voditelji se združujejo

International Presenters
Tony Hedrick - Canada/USA; Tony Saxon - New Zealand; Don Barry - New Zealand; Karmelo Kresonja - Bosnia.

National Presenters
Steve Telzerow, Darko Kreiner, Srečko Krajnc & Josh Patty (not on photo).

Plenary Sessions
A little over 50 leaders from all around Slovenia enjoyed the inspiring and informative plenary sessions.

Participants were able to choose 5 workshops from 9 available which were running simultaneously over the 3 days.

Here is what people are saying
"Everything was fantastic, very well prepared, great and inspiring workshops, sessions, full of wisdom!"
Great, I liked it, not just informatively, but also personal and transparent."
"The whole conference was inspiring for me, I'm encouraged, people, Holy Spirit, teaching."
" I was able to analyze myself, where I am now and how I am going to grow."
"I heard new things and gained new knowledge!"
"Being open and vulnerable to create the environment for mutual care."
"Being open and vulnerable to create the environment for mutual care."